Monday, October 19, 2009

When Pig Flu Flies

I'm just about done with this Swine Flu shit! I mean seriously!! First it was this HUGE  thing that promptly went away and then it came back at full force. I started to panic when kids were dying, and then hundreds dying. It got worse when people my age started dying HERE in my state, less then an hour away.
     So then my daughter's best friend starts sneezing and coughing at school and my first reaction was SHIT!!! The cold I can handle, the flu-I'm an expert now, but the swine flu?! I mean first of all I shouldn't even just jump to conclusions especially when it comes to illnesses (because I'm good at that. Buuuuuut, the news has me all crazy.
     So give it two days, and here comes my mouse....sneezing, snoring, and being a TAD lathargic. I'm like oh shit she has the fuckin' pig flu, she's going to die in her sleep, i'm  not going to know she stopped breathing, she'll pass out at school and die and they won't even call me for two hours, she'll take a nap and won't wake up..............
     Yeah, that's what it's like being a Mother, especially when your child is sick. You panic all to hell. With this swine flu, it makes it worse because, well, you just freakin die. So anyway, I go about a week and a half dealing with this. I Lysol'd everything, gave her and my husband lots of medicine and Airborne, made sure she got lots of sleep and blew her nose, Echinacea tea. But don't think I didn't go to bed every night thinking something would happen. Then here comes my daughter's best friend....MISSING from school for a WEEK. I was like yeah I knew it, she had swine flu, she gave it to my baby, my husband has it, now I'm getting it. We all had it different though (IF we did actually have it). My husband was stuffy, couldn't sleep, had more like sinus infection symptoms. My daughter was just stuffy more so than anything else. Me? Yeah well I was lucky enough to have the "unmentionables" of the symptoms, ya know, the gross stuff plus sore throat, headache and congestion in ears.
     Then today here comes the wonderful news that my 6 month old niece is throwing up, has a fever and so on. GREAT! Now I think we all had it and gave it to her. And this poor baby has not had her flu shot or swine flu shot. At least everyone in my family, including my parents, have had it. Scary right? Yeah I think so too. So I'm now less afraid of this swine flu, hoping we all beat it. Scared that my niece has it. But all around feeling a little better about it. I will feel much better about this once we get our swine flu shots. Today at my daughter's school it said they were getting them in November and were free, thank god. But who knows when we'll get it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Life Lessons, Lesson 1

Ever had one of those days where (whatever it was) sparked your memory and suddenly you were filled with, I dunno, anguish, sadness, regret, missed opportunities....stuff like that? Yeah, me too. My day is today. I threw myself a big pity party. Mostly this pity party was full of one quick shot at crying, but then lots and lots of thoughts. Generally, when these situations happen it's only one thing in general that I find myself mulling over. Today, it started as one thing, then gradually moved on to another, then another, than everything.
     I wondered, "Is this really my life?" "Is this really what my life was supposed to be?"
I was a little taken aback that this thought was running through my mind, because I think my life is just dandy. I really don't have much to complain about. I guess it was more or less everything I was less than impressed with, just BAM came at me. Like "HELLO, you have a problem with me, now fix me." But in unison, all my problems at once. My problems apparently are A-Holes!!
     I thought I had come to terms with most of these problems, like "Ah well, I missed out, it's ok." But obviously I still have some underlying desire to accomplish these things, or fix them at least. I can address some of these problems, but others I will keep to myself because they are private. So let's start:

Profession: I somewhat feel I missed the boat on finding my dream job. Growing up I wasn't quite sure what the ULTIMATE job was. I had the usual as a little girl, ballerina, and such. But never was like, 'When I grow up I wanna be ....'. It's almost like I grew up wanting to be a Housewife. A Desperate Housewife apparently. Anyway, like I was destined to be a Mom and Wife, 1950's style. I probably should have seen that coming. Growing up, all I did was play dolls and have my fake office. My passion in life was like Office Depot lol. I highly enjoyed filing papers, writing documents, typing, organizing, using office supplies and what not. My two other passions: poetry and book writing. It's hard to have a profession at writing if you didn't go to school for it. They frown upon you if you didn't get a degree in such. My dream was sorta like, Mom/Wife/Office Gal/Poet/Writer. Which is ok, I shouldn't be so down on myself because I'm not like Tyler, who has his dream and will/is accomplishing it. Another passion of mine, photography. But as I entered into that world, I found myself a nice BITCHFACE of a boss that sort of killed that dream. And instead of graduating and going to college, I graduated, moved out, and got a full time job. I skipped the college-switch-majors-seven-times-til-I-get-it-stage, and went right into full-time-job-get-married-have-babies-stage. See, I told you. I was more into family than career. Though I gotta say, my new dream at the time was being fullfilled. Once CSI began airing, I wanted to become one. Once I figured out how much bloody-mess I would be witnessing, I changed my mind. I was more into the "figuring stuff out" part. Always have been like that, I highly enjoy figuring things out, no matter what it is. That's when I entered my somewhat dream job. It was part law, part office. I was like SCORE! Kinda figured I was on my way. So I went to college, via the internet, and got my degree in Private Investigation. A colleague of mine introduced me to it, and it was instant, SNAP MY DREAM JOB. Studying and taking tests were not hard, they were interesting. Long story short, after having a baby, I realized it isn't the job I can have anymore. Running around with a gun, putting myself in danger, all this spy work wasn't going to cut it. As much as I LOVE that job, I can't put myself in danger when I have a child to raise. This dream, I have accepted letting go of it. The next dream came with the same job, but moved to another section of this business. Ok well let's just say it, I worked at a Half-Way House. I was in the residential side when I first began, then in the Treatment part when I came back. With this job, came the understanding of how drugs work on and in a person. How it affects them, their lives, and the people around them. Quite interesting job I tell ya. From this job came the dream of becoming a Drug and Alcohol Counselar. That lasted til I got pregnant and didn't think about it anymore. Was kind of depressing for me though. I have a light heart and it was very sad for me when I learned of regression, or plain ol' lying. Therefore I am again ok with the idea of letting this dream go. I simply don't have the tough heart for it. I gotta say, Avon really is a dream job. I have been in this business for seven years and it's awesome. I get to sell make up and clothes (and much more), but also buy lots of it for really cheap. Plus I get to understand what it's like having your own business and what goes into it. Writing up bills, making invoices, calculating things and what not, it's a big office job plus it ads to my girly side. But I don't sell to enough people for it to be a full time job. Right now I don't have the time to be delivering around town. Though it makes me enough to be happy. I enjoy being a Stay-At-Home Mom because it allows me to really take care of my daughter. But it leaves a little bit of sadness in my heart because I feel as though I have some great talent in me that I'm not using. Plus sometimes I have those people in my life that are Stay-At-Home-Mom-Haters. They think you don't do shit, don't earn your keep, and think you're lazy. It's sad, tends to hurt your feelings. I shall blog about this sometime. Anyway, I'm one of those people who is filled with ideas and inventions (CRAZY CRAFTY and CREATIVE), which leaves me with lots of dreams that don't necessarily become reality. I think I've come to terms with that. I think now that I've sorta let it all out and analyzed it a bit, I'm not so sad about it anymore. I get to be a Mom and Wife for the rest of my life, which are really my true dreams. I have a job that let's me be girly, but office gal too. Plus, there are other business adventures in my future which will offer me more of an accomplished feeling as well.

All in all, after writing and reading this, I'm more at peace. I feel less un-accomplished and more appreciative of the things that I have accomplished and what's left out there to accomplish. I think I just wasn't meant to be one of those people who was career driven and went to College for four or six years and then became head honcho. I was more family driven, keeping my nurturing side, but also working with what I love to have jobs that excite me. Eh, whatever. I think I'm doing just fine.
(To Be Continued)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Smarter Than A 5th Grader? Mmmm, No

I'm HUGE on History and everything that goes with it. Wars, Mayan Ruins, 7 Wonders of The World and such. But in High School? No thanks, let's just say I was too busy to pay attention in class. So I was speaking (IMing) with Amanda and was thinking about how stupid I really am when it comes to the states. I don't think I can name them all or even where they are located. The West Coast I'm good with, over to the East - FO'GET ABOUDIT! Here I go:

(Here was my list of the states I remembered, but half got deleted when trying to type below, so anyway, here are the ones I missed instead)

Ok I'm ashamed at the ones I missed!!!
Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North and South Carolina, Oklahoma and Vermont.

I really can only see me leaving out Vermont, maybe Iowa. These other ones are DUH!!!

Poof! You Never Existed

This individual blog is in response to Amanda's blog

The basic story was being able to erase someone from your mind (experiences, person, the whole shabam). You must read her blog first to get it. Or at least have seen Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind (which, GASP, I have not).

Have to SLIGHTLY disagree. This movie is about a relationship, but I am going to take it further and use it for everyone you meet in your life. There are actually a few people I'd erase from my mind. Of course it being the rare instances of where the bad FAR outweighed the good. In Amanda's siutation, I would agree. I wouldn't erase the love of my life because those memories are priceless. The way I disagree would be, I'd erase people like Boot Face. Yeah, we had some AMAZING fun times. But I gotta say, I'm better off not remembering anything about her.
     Isn't that awful? At least I can say, I  lived, I learned, I forgot lol. Honestly, there really are people I'd rather forget. Relationship wise, probably not. It's better to have those memories, cherish them, and move on to something better. But again, there is ONE I would erase. Actually I wish I never met the person. So not erase,  just not happen. Had I the chance to erase him, yes yes I would.
     I'm like a typing blog-contradiction. I say I wouldn't, then say I would. This blog sucks lol. Let's just put it this way. There are a few people who I'd erase, otherwise I'm happy remembering the bad and good about people in my past.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The 10 Commandments

Do you know The 10 Commandments? My grandparents used to have this very old looking scroll in the kitchen of the commendments, and I read it every single time I was in there. They took it down probably 10 years ago. Let's see what ones I can remember:

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife
Thou shalt not steal
Thou shalt not use the Lord's name in vein
Thou shalt not murder (ok I know it's something like that)

I think that's all I can remember lol. Here is what they are:

1. Thou shalt have no other God's before me.
2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
3. Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain.
4. Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.
5. Honor thy father and thy mother.
6. Thou shalt not kill.
7. Thou shall not committ adultery.
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife.

With each religion comes different Commandments. I looked up the Christian version, and again it varied. So I picked the one that sounded closest to the ones I remember. There were a few I did not remember at all, funny.
     Let's break them up and I'll describe them in leymen's (sp) terms because they get long and tricky when looking up the Catechism meaning. So here we go:

1. Basically you are not allowed worship anyone else.
2. Same thing, no worshiping idols and what not.
3. No swearing or making fun of people who worship God.
4. You are to do no work on this day, nor make anybody else work.
5. Basically respect your family.
6. Not allowed to kill, unless in a War.
7. No cheating or lusting.
8. No stealing.
9. No lying.
10. Also known as "Thou shalt not covet." No cheating with your neighbor's wife.

How many have you broken? I have broken six, maybe seven. How awful is that?!

*Just know that any of this may be innacurate, I researched for like 10 minutes. Plus, there are so many different versions.

The 7 Deadly Sins

OH SNAAAAAP!!! Alright, I wanted to do this topic because it has always interested me. I know of them, have seen the movie 7, but I never really studied up on it and the meaning or purpose of these things. Let's start with what they are....

Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride

When watching the movie, I remember looking at some of those words going WTF IS THAT?! Let's give a short definition of these words, then talk about it shall we?
(Let's also throw out there that over time these "sins" have changed significantly. Research it, you'll find a ton more sins that were originally on the list)

Lust: Lust or lechery, is usually thought of as excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature. Aristotle's criterion was excessive love of others, which therefore rendered love and devotion to God as secondary. (I won't go into the nastiness that lust is supposed to cause, like rape and beastiality)
*Alright, so is saying that I lust after my husband wrong? I think not. I certainly don't think it's appropriate to lust after Jesus. Maybe these days, our definition of lust is different than back in the day. The Bible says we're allowed to have LOTS of sex with our husband, is wifey terms: attraction=lust. Right? So I think I'm ok on this one. I might just find a better word to use, just in case.

Gluttony: Derived from the Latin gluttire, meaning to gulp down or swallow, gluttony (Latin, gula) is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste. In the Christian religions, it is considered a sin because of the excessive desire for food, or its withholding from the needy.
*Can I plead the 5th? Snap, I have failed on this one. I might have eaten too much in my time. To the point of waste? Eh, probably not. I'll admit to throwing food out because it tasted like crap or because it was spoiling. Crime? As far as withholding from the needy? I may not make food for homeless or take it out of their hands while cruising the alleys. But I do donate alot to the less fortunate. So I think that makes up for it. The 60 pairs of shoes? Eventually they get donated, so I think eventually I even out on this subject.

Greed: Greed (Latin, avaritia), also known as avarice or covetousness, is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of excess. However, greed (as seen by the church) is applied to the acquisition of wealth in particular....greedy behavior which include disloyalty, deliberate betrayal, or treason, especially for personal gain...scavenging and hoarding of materials or objects, theft and robbery, especially by means of violence, trickery, or manipulation of authority.
*Well now, I guess I have to blame the person who came up with "See a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck". Because apparently I was being greedy because I did not earn this penny. Yeah, I'll admit I fail at this one (hello Vegas). Probably something I have to work on. For the record, I don't break into people's houses or anything like that. The simple fact that sometimes I gamble, sometimes I keep money I know, the usual.

Sloth: Gradually, the focus came to be on the consequences of acedia, rather than the cause, and so, by the 17th century, the exact deadly sin referred to was believed to be the failure to utilize one's talents and gifts...The modern view goes further, regarding laziness and indifference as the sin at the heart of the matter. Since this contrasts with a more wilful failure to, for example, love God and his works, sloth is often seen as being considerably less serious than the other sins, more a sin of omission than of commission.
*Yeah, I had to look this one up. Confuses me a little, but is summed up as being lazy I guess. I don't failure to use my talents and gifts, the ones I know of. Nor do I fail to love God and his works. The only sin I see I have committed here is laying on the couch watching tv. Something to that extent. I don't see God really caring about that though. So I think I'm good on this one.

Wrath: Wrath (Latin, ira), also known as anger or "rage", may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. These feelings can manifest as vehement denial of the truth, both to others and in the form of self-denial, impatience with the procedure of law, and the desire to seek revenge outside of the workings of the justice system (such as engaging in vigilantism) and generally wishing to do evil or harm to others.
*FAIL! I can actually one-up myself and say I support vigilantee's (sp). I know I know, but HEY, the justice system isn't so perfect. I don't hate on someone who bursts into the courtroom and shoots the person dead who raped and murdered their child. I guess I support Wrath more than actually following through with it. I am not a "rage" kind of person. My bark is worse than my bite. Suppose I should work on this one too. I know that once someone dies, they then pay for their sins and it's not up to us to make them pay. But sometimes people get away with it, and go on to committ other crimes. I dunno, tough one. I'll just make sure to control my rage and anger lol.

Envy: Like greed, Envy (Latin, invidia) may be characterized by an insatiable desire; they differ, however, for two main reasons. First, greed is largely associated with material goods, where as envy may apply more generally. Second, those who commit the sin of envy resent that another person has something they perceive themselves as lacking, and wish the other person to be deprived of it.
*I personally think you eventually grow out of envy as you get older. I mean, even when your 45 years old and look at someone like Demi Moore and say, "She looks gorgeous for her age, that bitch! I wish I looked like her." It doesn't necessarily mean you think she SHOULD be ugly, and you should be the gorgeous one. I can "envy" someone (by this definition), but also see it as appreciating something they have earned, and maybe even work harder so I can have that too. I don't mean that in a greedy way either!! More so like envying another woman with a great husband and two wonderful kids, being a single woman you also would like to have a loving family like her. That's what I mean. I do have resentment towards celebrities though, but not for my personal gain, to the people who really deserve it. I think celebrities are the greediest people alive! How the hell do they deserve to make $1 Million dollars per episode (Friends' actors), $50 Million per movie, and $100,000 for appearing at a nightclub for two hours?! If anyone DESERVES to make that much money, it should be Doctors, Surgeons, Nurses, Presidents and such. They work hard to save people's lives daily. That a-hole over there made $30 Million for making me laugh for an hour and a half, but the Doctor who saved my life during breast cancer surgery made five or six figures. Granted, I know these days doctors have a bad rap, but I'm speaking about the GOOD ones. (Side note: I used breast cancer as an example, I didn't actually have this cancer.)

Pride: In almost every list Pride (Latin, superbia), or hubris, is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others, and excessive love of self (especially holding self out of proper position toward God).
*Let me just say, in my daughter's school, the biggest thing they learn is PRIDE!!! I think our definition these days, is again, different than what they considered back then. We teach people Pride as a way to be proud of yourself, accepting. If you have crooked teeth, have pride in those crooked teeth. Have lots of freckles? Be proud of them. It's not meant to be better than anyone else, just being proud of the person God created. Unless we're talking "Brown/White/Black Pride". That's a whole other blog lol.

How do you fair in the Seven Deadly Sins? I can see myself working harder on some. But basically I think I am doing fine. Just because I think it would be cool to be a millionaire, I don't NEED that kind of money to be happy. As long as I can provide for my family, I think I'm doing just fine.

You'll Miss This When You're With Your Knocked Up Mistress

So my best friend asked me to write a blog about 'what would you do if your husband cheated'? To which I replied, "OMG that was on Dr. Phil today!!" The story was, "What would you do if your husband cheated on you and got the other woman pregnant?"
     Many women in the audience said they'd kick him out and not introduce the child to her children. A few randoms said it wasn't the child's fault, so they'd kick him out, but allow the child in their children's lives.
     Me? Well I'm taken aback because I am not sure what would need to be done. Obviously the child would eventually find out about the "other baby", so keeping it a secret might not be good. And what if he didn't want to be with that other woman? I mean, there are so many questions to ask before actually knowing what you would do. Let's just set up three scenarios:
     1. He cheated, he loves this woman and wants to be with her, they will have the child together.
     2. He cheated, it was an "accident", she got pregnant, but he wants to stay with you, and he  
         wants to be a part of his child's life.
     3. He cheated, hates the woman, and wants nothing to do with kid because she got pregnant on
That's about even right? Ok, let's start with One. First of all, it's a simple DIVORCE right there. So I'd divorce him, get his shit out and together we'd find something to tell our child, it would have to be age appropriate. I think it's fair to say I would be the main caregiver, and the pregnant woman would have no contact with my child until I was positive they were a "sure thing".  Then they would need to give our child time to adjust and prepare before they got married and what not, THEN introduce the child into his/her life. Then we would begin to work out a custody agreement.
     Number two! I'd assume an "accident" would be getting too drunk at the office party, or going on a business trip...something to that effect. Our marriage would have to be DAMN strong to forgive cheating AND pregnancy. If it wasn't, then it would be divorce and, "Have fun paying two child support payments a-hole!" Otherwise, being the bigger person to forgive, I guess you'd have to learn to live with it. I don't think it's really necessary to meet the other woman. As far as telling your child, well, again it would need to be an age appropriate conversation.
     Number three! This one reminds me of a movie lol. Ok well, just like number two it would depend how strong the marriage was. With the woman getting pregnant on purpose, I guess it would figure on how she thought she was going to get pregnant. She would have had to believe she had a chance. In that case it is evident that he didn't "hate" her at one point and somewhat initiated it. The fact that he wants no part in the child's life says something about him. Interesting on how you would take that though. Some might be happy, some might think that's shitty. I can't even truly comment on this one because it's not a possibility in MY life. So I'm not really sure how I'd handle this one.

Anyway, the main thing here is that you kind of have to take yourself out of the situation when in fact you already have kids. If you do not, well then it's all up to you to be as selfish as you want. You really have no one else to consider at the time because obviously no one considered your feelings when they were busy humping. Soooo, that being could move on with either situation and never look back.
     However, when you do have kids, then it's all about them. Men need to realize, when you cheat on your wife, you cheat on your kids as well. How ever are you going to explain to a five year old, a three year old, a seven year old...."Daddy made a baby with a woman who isn't Mommy"? As kids grow up (before the sex talk) you tell them that babies are made because Mommy and Daddy love each other very much. They don't understand why Daddy would love another woman, or why their sibling has another Mommy. Those types of things are hard for a child to process. The only thing they understand is a Mommy, Daddy, and babies.
     Now when the children are older, Daddy is basically going to look like a giant A-HOLE. Because by that time they've had the sex talk and have been told that you are faithful and loyal and what not. Especially as you're getting to the teen years, as a Mother there really isn't anything you have to do. He gets to explain the lovely details on what a selfish jerk he is. You're basically there to comfort the kids and help them deal with the situation. It's up to them, at that age, what role that baby will take in their lives. In movies, I've almost always seen the kids hate that child. Which, yeah, it's sad, but things could very well change as they get older. In the situation where the husband wants to be with the other woman, well that's a whole 'nother can of worms. In most cases the children hate the father, the mistress and the new baby.
     But guess what? It's ALL the cheater's fault. They have to live with what they've done and the pain they have caused. I'm curious as to a man's point of view on this subject. What would he do if his wife cheated and got pregnant?! Now that's maybe worse, in terms of the fact that if he stayed he would have to deal with his wife's growing belly for nine months and then the birth of a child that is not his. There are many different sides to THIS story though. Because (not saying I would do this, or condone it), the wife could lie and say it's the husband's baby. She could tell the husband and they could raise it on their own. I mean, really, it's quite different from the woman's story where she really doesn't have to face it daily because that belly isn't staring her in the face and there isn't much lying a man can do. A paternity test rules out lying.
     So yeah, I'm much more interested in seeing how a man would handle this. Including the three senarios to deal with.

What do you think?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Forgive Me NOT

To forgive, or not to forgive...such a hard  question eh? I often am torn on this subject. I tend to side with my Gemini nature and forgive too much (is that possible?) or refuse to forgive at all. When I am confused or question what is right and wrong, I look to my bible-loving friends for the correct answers. They like me, I ask questions alot and thankfully they are patient with me.
     About two years ago I came to them with a question about a former best friend of mine. This girl, we'll call her Boot Face (just because I have a little evil in me). Boot Face was my best friend for a few years. We were super close and she was more my sister than a friend. We relied on each other and often only had each other to lean on in the tough times of Freshman, Sophomore and Junior year. Well let's sum this relationship up in one word - Jealousy! With jealousy comes envy, comes rage and anger and hatred. It's hard to explain the relationship without sounding cocky. So imagine me being honest, not being boistrous, k?
     Alright, relationship starts in 9th Grade. I am short, long dark hair, big brown eyes, around 105 pounds and super spunky. I date the most popular and hottest guy in school. I win the award for Best Dressed. I have several enemies who want to "beat my ass" (gangster bitches) because I am "white washed" and "act like I'm better than everyone else". HA! Ok now Boot Face is slightly taller, acne face, dirty blonde and 160+ pounds but very nice. Has no boyfriend and no one wants to beat her ass because not many people know her. Skip to Sophomore and Junior year-I'm still the same, short skinny and dating a popular hot boy. However, I'm removed from the gangster bitches so no one wants to beat my ass lol. Add to the fact that my brother is the most popular guy in school, a Senior known for kicking ass. SCORE! Anyway, she's still the same but less nice and more "lost".
     I began hanging with my boyfriend, who happened to be my first love. So obviously my time was spent loving the hell out of him. I made alot more friends, had more things to do and she was lost in there somewhere. No boyfriend, only me and our other friend I'll call "Dawn". My boyfriend and his friends did not care for Boot Face, nor did my other friends. Boot Face wasn't friendly to many, she ultimately became an extreme liar and manipulator (which I didn't find out til Junior year). To cut this long ass story short, she had extreme jealousy issues with me that she let get the best of her.
     Come mid Junior year, Dawn (my new BFF), and I had become super close and Dawn and Boot Face now disliked each other due to a fall out between us all that summer before. Due to a MAJOR lie we eventually found out, Dawn no longer trusted Boot Face and I felt uneasy around her. A few months into Junior Year something really stupid caused a fight between us all, which turned into World War III, I kid you not! So it became Dawn and Bree VS Boot Face.
     Boot Face decided to go make friends, FINALLY. Only to my disgust, she befriended my enemies I made along the way (isn't it always over a boy? lol) and my cousin who currently disliked me because her boyfriend was friends with me (LAME). So she raged this war with me, which kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger. You hear on the news "Bullies At School", yeah I lived it ALL. The hate IM's and threatening e-mails, the long nasty stares, the "You should just die" notes, the ass kicking after class talk, the serious-i'm-going-to-kill-you threats, bullying, rumors spread, following in the car and to class.....just about everything you hear happening to kids in school, I lived it all...EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! The bullying wasn't til Senior Year, the dirty looks and what not was just late Junior Year.
     The police were involved, restraining order was served, parents called, IM's printed, e-mails turned in.....which ultimately led to a fight. Here's how it happened:
"If she looks at me one more time, I'm going to kick her ass"
(Yeah, you guessed it. I looked at her lol)
Threw her books down in the hall and charged after me.
Boyfriend jumped in my way but yeah, I'm little, but I'm a mean little shit.
     There was hair pulling, nail scratching, punching and booting in the face.....oh and bottle throwing. I'll say I'm proud of it, but the adult side of me says I'm not proud that there was a physical fight. Did I win? What do you think?! The skinny vice principal was holding her back. The 240+ pound principal was SITTING on me holding my arms down. Took him awhile to pull me off her, I literally dug my nails into her to keep ahold of her while they pulled her away from me. (Funny quip, I later saw her at a party and when she bent over, her shirt went up and I saw my claw marks all over her, looked like massive stretch marks).
     Let me just tell you, I gave very vague details on what happened. The things said and done would normally have caused a teenager like me with less confidence to probably committ suicide. I say that only because I have watched shows on it where that is actually what ended up happening. Sad thing is, had I done it, those girls would not have felt bad, they would have been happy. Shows you just how evil they really are.
     Skip ahead five years later, I have this former friend asking to be friends, saying she's "over the drama" and has "grown up". Needless to say, I was shocked, appauled and disgusted. It was her attempt at asking for forgiveness, but throwing in there that SHE basically forgave ME. For what?! I pondered over it awhile and read it to many who were like WTF!! I did not respond and let it go. Six months later however, I got another myspace friend request from her saying "I'm over it, if you are. :)". Hint not taken. I really thought about responding to it but knew it would turn into something ugly.
     I turned to my bible friends Dawn and Doc. They advised me of God's policy to forgive. Part of the process of forgiving from Jesus's point of view is to rid your heart of hatred and anger and all those yucky lingering feelings. Well, I was over it. I didn't think of her as a good person, but I didn't have lingering feelings anymore, I just didn't care. Too much time had passed that it meant nothing to me anymore. That was good enough for me, forgiveness seemed like something she didn't earn.
     Anyway, the advice I received was:
"Yes you are supposed to forgive. It is demanded."
"If someone asks for forgiveness, you MUST give it to them."
     So of course the spunky monkey in me thinks...hum, she didn't straight out ask for forgiveness, so TADA I don't have to give it. When I asked, ok can I forgive someone but not have to tell them? Yes, was the answer. I essentially was trying to get out of it, or find the loophole in the act of forgiving. This is really the only time I truly had to think about it, because I naturally forgave all sins against me easily. I was in a tough spot, thinking I wasn't going to go to Heaven because I hadn't forgiven someone.
     Then comes two situations that happened in my life late last year and just a few months ago. These were situations where only words were used. Words to me generally mean nothing, I can forgive them. Though I do find it hard to get over them sometimes due to the fact I speak my mind and don't intentionally say things to hurt someone, I say them because I MEAN them. Anyway, the words used were extremely hateful and very unwarented. Everything that was said was not in any way used to try to correct something wrong that I had done. It was meant to hurt me, tear me down and make me look like a horrible person. I was personally attacked in ways NO PERSON should be, but also in no way a WOMAN should.
     I was never asked for forgiveness,  or apologized to in any way, shape or form. Though it was later claimed that it happened. In this situation I wasn't lucky enough to graduate and get the hell away. I'm sorta stuck with them, in a minor way, but stuck none-the-less. I have battled for MONTHS about this thing called forgiveness and have tried it, then renigged on it. This situation has me in such a downward spiral at times. I keep telling myself, they are just words Bree, just words, none of them were even close to being true, let it go, let it go. But when I begin to TRY to let it go, I find myself thinking, It just isn't right to let people treat you like that.
     I believe, that as a person, you have the right to say "You are not allowed in my life anymore" because you don't feel they get that right. I give people chances (too many if you ask me). And often it backfires because ultimately people don't want to change. They will keep hurting you if you allow them too. So I have given myself that right over these past 13 years. If you don't deserve to be in my life, GET TO STEPPIN BIZNATCH!!! Am I right? Yeah, I thought so. But still, the question is....Do I still have to forgive? Is there a time limit on forgiveness?
     This is what the Bible says.....

Colossians 3:13

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Luke 6:37

Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Matthew 6:14-16

For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Mark 11:25

And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.

"In summary and in closing, we forgive out of obedience to the Lord. It is a choice, a decision we make. However, as we do this "forgiving," we discover the command is in place for our own good, and we receive the reward of our forgiveness - freedom."

     So after reading that, I was like SNAP!!! Must I really forgive all these people who have wronged me? Do I really? Must I? Come.....on......
     In return, if it REALLY has to be done because Jesus says to, then yeah I can. But I don't think forgiveness is an instant reaction. I think you're allowed time to grieve, or be lost, or angry, or disappointed, even hurt. Forgiving someone comes in time I believe. It also does not come faster, or easier when being forced to do so. In these two isolated situations I have been told it's ok to NOT forgive in one situation and then pushed very hard to forgive in the other.
     Yes, I can forgive Boot Face. Enough time passed, I grew, I learned, I held my head high. The gold star in this situation is that I never have to see her again. I choose to not let her be in my life. Easy peesy.
     Then comes situation two. I never get the chance to heal, take a break or be away from this. I want to be able to say BAM I forgive you, now go away. But I almost literally cannot do so. If the world was nice to me, I'd get the same easy way out as with situation one. But I am not so lucky. Everyone involved in this is one sided. All I want is to be left alone, just leave me alone, let me be happy. If an emergency comes, or contact is a MUST, then fine, I'll do it. Otherwise, it should be "I don't like you, You don't like me, We agree to ignore each other." To be honest, it really isn't that hard. Only one person in this senario (the one caught in the middle) gets hurt in one way or another. But you can't force people to get along. If you get along with both sides, then great, you have it the best. But don't force these other people to get along only for your benefit. It makes it worse.
     I believe in time I can forgive. But right now, I just want the chance to be hurt and mad and angry. Comments keep coming, mean things still get said, and it all gets back to me one way or another, so when I've taken step two in forgiving, I'm drivin right back to Step One.
     So here I am, back at Step One. With all honesty, and using every thing in my heart - I really only seeing me forgiving and then moving on. It's sad for the one stuck in the middle, but to live a happy healthy life-I NEED this. As does the OTHER person in this story. This specific person does not need to live through people not liking each other, the drama that it involves and being treated badly either. Me, the person in the middle, and the one who shouldn't have to deal with it are ALL that matter to me.
     They are all that should matter. These people ARE the family. We should allow each other respect for these type of feelings and let them choose what is best. Otherwise you have a buch of unhappy people who resent the others for forcing them to do something they don't want to do.

".......and we receive the reward of our forgiveness - freedom"

Give me my freedom.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus My Hate

Jon and Kate this, Jon and Kate that.....shut the hell up! I'm so sick and fucking tired of hearing about these two. I think the point of the show was to see the eight kids grow up. It wasn't meant to be about a sissy ass man and snobby bitch woman. Who really wants to hear about the nasty divorce of two non-famous people?
"Jon is a player who doesn't care about his kids"
"Kate is a bitch who wants money"
     Yeah, I don't care. I was LOVING the show in late 2008 when my Mom introduced it to me. How funny the kids were, how snappy and funny the mom was, how dorky and lost the dad was. It had its moments, I'll admit that. I laughed quite a bit every episode. Then came the cheating rumors and everything else that followed it and it wasn't funny anymore.
     Did I take sides? In the beginning I was sorta TEAM KATE, I was grossed out at Jon. Thought, 'what an asshole for cheating on his wife and incidently cheating on his kids'. I was appauled how people thought it was ok for him to cheat because Kate was such a bitch to him. Boo Hoo Hoo, last time I checked he had a penis and a brain (not much hair though lol). He pretends like he was passive and got "walked all over" and she abused him mentally. What that equals in my book, a PUSSY! I mean COME ON, he might as well just called himself one. If he stood up to her what was she going to do, beat him? I seriously doubt it. He got walked all over because he allowed it to happen. If you let someone boss you around, then of course that person or people are going to continue to do it.
     Whether you mean to become the dominant one in the relationship or not, you don't always see how you've become the "Boss" of the house. It just becomes normal to take charge and make sure shit gets done. Jon didn't seem to do a whole lot, editing aside. It was like he was a lost puppy. A man depressed over this life he was living. He said as much in the divorce episode when he revealed that the divorce was allowing him to be free. That he was happy again and could live the life he wanted to. Which ultimately was sleeping around, jet-setting, signing autographs, talking too much, and lets not forget--ditching the kids.
     Truth be told, I think his demise was a product of having too many kids, losing his wife and becoming jealous. I think it was too stressful having so many kids and as much as he loves them, I think it was too much. That's ok, I mean I really can't imagine the stress of two kids and six babies. I feel him, as far as that goes. But it is your life, you can't just say "Oh this is too tough, I quit". He needed to handle it and find a way to not lose himself in becoming a father of multiples. I also think it hurt his "man side" to lose his wife. Ultimately, the second you have kids, you lose your wife. You aren't number one anymore and the most attention goes to the kids. I think he missed having the attention and being adored. Jon and Kate were parents 24/7, they had no time to bond. Then came the jealousy.
     My belief is that Jon is super insecure, which leads to alot of his drama. Essentially being his own worst enemy. When Kate suddenly became "famous" and was appearing on talk shows, writing books, and appearing in magazines-he got really jealous! All the attention to the kids, all the attention to Kate. Where's Jon's attention? I think he adored the attention he got for dating younger women and wearing Ed Hardy. He paraded around town acting like the Cock of the Walk, no pun intended. Then, dun dun dun, people began to hate him. His attention was ALL negative. Because first everyone was all, "Kate cheated with the bodyguard" "Kate is such a bitch". Then people started seeing that, yeah maybe Kate is a bitch, but Kate is at the house with the kids. Where is Jon? Oh he's in France with his new girlfriend (not the original girl he cheated with) drinking up champagne with Michael Lohan of all people.
     Yeah, he's really all about being there for the kids right? Hence the reason he moved to New York. If his main concern was his kids, he would have moved down the street. Or at least in the same town!
     I never really cared enough to really take sides, but if I had to, I'd side with Kate. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Kate is Mother Theresa. But at least her main concern is the kids. Put the books aside and the talk show appearances. She's still the main caregiver and the one taking them to school, cooking and what not. Yeah, she's bitchy. But I can't honestly say that I wouldn't be a stressed out bitch with EIGHT kids to take care of. There's no relaxation, no free time, not a single moment is devoted to you. They didn't have much help for quite some time either.
     Sure she should have been less snappy, and he should have taken charge more. But they didn't. Working together would have helped that couple out majorly. Oh well, at least they can part now. You think it would be over though right? No no no, they are going back and forth on talk shows saying how Jon took money out of the account and Kate can't pay the bills. That kind of shit should remain private, which they say they want things-private, yet they splash their dirty laundry on every talk show possible. It's annoying now. No one cares about the kids anymore, not even viewers. People tune in to see how Jon and Kate are acting, what they're saying. They need to end the show and move on.
     I doubt the kids want to be documented on how they're handling their parents divorce.
"Look honey, there's you on your third birthday"
"Look honey, your first step"
"Aww, look how you cried when Daddy dropped you off then went to France with his skanky girlfriend"
"Oh oh and look at your face as Mommy spanked you in front of all those papparazzi".

It's just sad!
They want fame, they want fortune.
     In my opinion, end the show, quit interviewing them, and let those kids go back to their semi-normal life. Neither Kate, nor Jon are nearly interesting enough to keep them in the limelight. Write your books, let us know how crazy it is raising so many kids. But otherwise, leave your family life inside your house.
     Am I right?

Ass Hat Old Man Winter

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All The...WTF?! Where the hell is Santa? It's snowing, that must mean it's winter. Wait wait wait, it's October. Is it not?! Well I believe I was just outside and could hardly see in front of me because it was snowing so bad. Sheesh, it's been Fall for a few weeks. Go away snow! I feel like punching Old Man Winter in his old ass face and knocking him out for a few months. I hate snow, I really do. I don't like driving in it, I don't like being freezing ass cold, I don't like not being able to go outside....
I want my Fall back. I do enjoy the leaves changing and how beautiful everything is. Right now, everything is wet and ugly. Not to mention it was just a few days ago that it was 80 degrees. Ugh, snow snow go away, come again (in December) another day.

Welcome Biznatches!

Hello, and good afternoon! My very first Blog that isn't related to a social networking site, awww my mother would be proud.
I'm rushing to write a quick one so I can get going with my day and then come back and start blogging. I'm not sure which to blog about first. So much going on in this world that piss me off or annoy me. Plenty of things to say. Yipee!
Anyway, enjoy my thoughts and opinions!