Monday, October 19, 2009

When Pig Flu Flies

I'm just about done with this Swine Flu shit! I mean seriously!! First it was this HUGE  thing that promptly went away and then it came back at full force. I started to panic when kids were dying, and then hundreds dying. It got worse when people my age started dying HERE in my state, less then an hour away.
     So then my daughter's best friend starts sneezing and coughing at school and my first reaction was SHIT!!! The cold I can handle, the flu-I'm an expert now, but the swine flu?! I mean first of all I shouldn't even just jump to conclusions especially when it comes to illnesses (because I'm good at that. Buuuuuut, the news has me all crazy.
     So give it two days, and here comes my mouse....sneezing, snoring, and being a TAD lathargic. I'm like oh shit she has the fuckin' pig flu, she's going to die in her sleep, i'm  not going to know she stopped breathing, she'll pass out at school and die and they won't even call me for two hours, she'll take a nap and won't wake up..............
     Yeah, that's what it's like being a Mother, especially when your child is sick. You panic all to hell. With this swine flu, it makes it worse because, well, you just freakin die. So anyway, I go about a week and a half dealing with this. I Lysol'd everything, gave her and my husband lots of medicine and Airborne, made sure she got lots of sleep and blew her nose, Echinacea tea. But don't think I didn't go to bed every night thinking something would happen. Then here comes my daughter's best friend....MISSING from school for a WEEK. I was like yeah I knew it, she had swine flu, she gave it to my baby, my husband has it, now I'm getting it. We all had it different though (IF we did actually have it). My husband was stuffy, couldn't sleep, had more like sinus infection symptoms. My daughter was just stuffy more so than anything else. Me? Yeah well I was lucky enough to have the "unmentionables" of the symptoms, ya know, the gross stuff plus sore throat, headache and congestion in ears.
     Then today here comes the wonderful news that my 6 month old niece is throwing up, has a fever and so on. GREAT! Now I think we all had it and gave it to her. And this poor baby has not had her flu shot or swine flu shot. At least everyone in my family, including my parents, have had it. Scary right? Yeah I think so too. So I'm now less afraid of this swine flu, hoping we all beat it. Scared that my niece has it. But all around feeling a little better about it. I will feel much better about this once we get our swine flu shots. Today at my daughter's school it said they were getting them in November and were free, thank god. But who knows when we'll get it.

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